• 15 января 2019, вторник
  • Москва, Встреча зарегистрировавшихся на выходе метро Южная, первый вагон из центра


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Геофилософский Центр Антропологических и Культурных Исследований
1947 дней назад
15 января 2019 c 19:00 до 21:00
Встреча зарегистрировавшихся на выходе метро Южная, первый вагон из центра

Приглашаем вас на Тренинг "ТРАНСФОРМАЦИЯ ВПЕЧАТЛЕНИЙ" • Что будет? Мы обсудим, как трансформировать впечатления, которые ежедневно приходят к нам, с метафизически-психологической точки зрения • Кто спикеры? Организаторы Calin и Светлана, представители АГЕАК в Москве


Every day, thousands of impressions reach our psyche through our five senses of perception: the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, which are more or less detrimental to our inner world, depending on our ability to transform. Someone with lesser ability of conversions, of course, can easily become strained and tired in the evening, in contrast to his state in the morning. On the other hand, someone with a greater ability to transform, can live up to the evening, with a very similar psycho-emotional state that he was in the morning, keeping the psychological balance throughout the day

COST: 300 rubles
First visit free

Our goal at the same time learn something together☺

If you register for this event, but in the end will not be able to attend, please cancel your registration or inform us by phone or Whatsapp

Try not to be late! If you are late, please call us!

Russian, Espanol, English: +7 968 682 9826 (Whatsapp)
English, Espanol, Deutsch: +7 916 880 5621  (Whatsapp)

AGEAK Mission: To unite people who want to live in the present moment and to know yourself better, to begin to live more wisely, using common knowledge of the ancient traditions of the world — www.ageac.org -


Every day thousands of impressions reach our psyche through our five senses: images, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, which damage our interior world more or less, depending on our capacity to transform them. Someone with a smaller capacity to transform them, easily becomes stressed and tired in the evening, as opposed to their state in the morning. On the other hand, someone with a higher capacity to transform them, can reach the evening having a very similar psycho-emotional state with the state that they had in the morning, maintaining their psychological equilibrium all day long

COST: 300 rub
First attendance is free of charge

Our purpose, is to learn something together☺

If you plan to attend, click "join"/"going", so that we can send you future modifications on private message

If you register for this meeting, but in the end you cannot attend it, please cancel the registration or announce us as soon as possible!

Рус, Espanol, English: +7 968 682 9826 (Whatsapp)
English, Espanol, Deutsch: +7 916 880 5621

AGEAC vision statement: To unite people who want to live in the moment and to know themselves better in order to start living in a more intelligent way, by using the common knowledge of the ancient traditions of the world — www.ageac.org -


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